5 powerful reasons why to travel (alone)

In this article I list a few reasons why it’s such a great thing or can be even life-changing to travel alone. Before I started my travels I often get asked if I don’t get bored travelling alone. Or people are just surprised about it. Even though every human is different I truly think travelling alone is an experience worth for everybody. Let’s have a look at my reasons:


1. Get to know yourself better

No other time than during travels you have so much time to think about your life, your purpose or your dreams. And in my opinion you do that even more intensively if you’re travelling alone. You’ll gain new experiences or face new challenges, which you’ll have to handle mostly just by yourself. If you travel alone for the first time it also means that you’re going to leave your comfort zone. And this is something you have to chase for, because at the end this will be essential for your personal development.

2. Get more social

Travelling is the best way if you want to become more social and make new friends. Especially if you’re more of an introverted person. For example if you’re taking part in a tour you’re guaranteed to get in contact with new people and because they are mostly like-minded it’s so much easier to get to know each other. Also depending on the country you’re in, the people are very open-minded and will be very interested in where you’re from and what you’re doing. Personally this is one of my favourite parts on travelling, because we humans are such interesting creatures and have so many stories to tell.

3. Take things easier

Oh I remember the first time I came back from my first big journey. It’s the hardest part to step back into the “normal” life again and you will soon realise how everybody seems to be so stressed about nearly anything. While on the road you don’t have to worry about something at all – if you have enough money – and you realise how good it feels to be absolutely stress-free. The people are just having a good time. Think about it, how often do you feel angry about something when you actually could laugh about it instead? While travelling you’re supposed to have the time of your life, enjoy nature’s beauty or having big laughs with your fellow travellers. Your mind will automatically get rid of the latest worries and as soon as you’re back home you’ll notice that you take things much easier than before.

4. Appreciate your life and its beauty

While you’re travelling on your own you will start to appreciate things more. It’s so easy to lose sight of what you have when you’re stuck in your daily life. Travelling solo will definitely open up your eyes and you pay more attention on the things you have. It also gives you time to reflect and just being thankful. Be it to appreciate your home or your lovely friends. Not to forget the friendliness of the people you’re going to meet like the handsome man, who welcomes you with a smile saying “You look good today”.

5. Inspire yourself! Simple as that

From my experience you’re most likely going to meet two types of people on your way. Those who have so many interests and don’t really know yet which way they wanna go – that’s me  – or those who basically have no clue about what to do in their lives. Either way you’ll benefit a lot while you’re travelling (alone). There is so much to discover in our beautiful world. Totally different cultures, amazing landscapes, delicious foods, great artworks and so much more. But what really matters at the end are the experiences you gain. Inspiration is everywhere, you just need to keep your eyes open…
Surely there’s much more, why travelling (alone) is good for you. Which of these reasons fits best to you? Or can you think of something else why travelling alone can have a huge impact in someone’s life? Feel free to share your thoughts
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