
Hello! I’m Lukas, a freelancing and multi-disciplinary photographer and creative designer currently based in Winterthur, Switzerland. Visual and fine arts has constantly drawn my attention and I always try to find a creative way to capture moments or to create user-friendly solutions. I found it in my deep passion for photography and several sorts of design.

Whether to keep that moment, when nature shows its beauty by the first light or to capture the true spirit of people, I have made it my life’s goal to be as creative as possible on my way to craft beautiful things and to inspire people. For me, the beauty lies in each moment – that is why I am paying attention to the smallest of details. No matter the medium, I like to improve your business and to share my passion with the world. I am looking forward to meeting new people. Let’s work together! Download CV

Say Hi 👋 –

«It's better to be a lion for one day
than a sheep all your life.»

«Lukas Ammann arbeitet sehr zuverlässig und genau. Unternehmeranlässe mit über 800 Teilnehmenden bewältigt er mit viel Freude, Energie und Eigeninitiative. Das Resultat ist trotz Zeitdruck und schwierigen Lichtverhältnissen ausgezeichnet!»

Foto von Daniel Briel, Swiss Life AG
Daniel Briel
Manager Sales Communications, Swiss Life AG

«Lukas Ammann ist der ideale Generalist im operativen Marketing. Als Techno-Polygraf und Freelancer unterstützt er uns bei der Gestaltung von Websites, Drucksachen, grafischen Nutzeroberflächen sowie Fotoshootings und Filmproduktionen. Was ihn auszeichnet ist sein Auge für Ästhetik gepaart mit einem Gespür für Usability und technischem Flair.»

Foto von Fabian Wyssmann, Designwerk GmbH
Fabian Wyssmann
Leiter Marketing und Vertrieb, Designwerk GmbH

«Wir sind begeistert! Du hast unsere Fotowünsche perfekt umgesetzt, jedes Einzelne ist wunderschön. Und dank dir können wir diese Augenblicke und Emotionen immer wieder erleben, vielen Dank dafür!»

Foto von Manuela & Andreas, Brautpaar
Manuela & Andreas

A few facts about me

In love with my piano

Playing the piano is my other passion. I like to play classical music as well as movie soundtracks and hits from the charts. Feel free to check out my YouTube-Channel and listen to my music.

Learn for life

I admit I'm addicted... addicted to learn – about personal development, psychology or online marketing and many other things. I'm eager to educate myself to become better in many fields.

Chocolate... what else?

I like chocolate! Especially Swiss chocolate. Whenever you feel like giving me a little gift and struggle with an idea... Chocolate will always do 😋

Travel is the only thing you buy...

...that makes you richer. Travel has become a part in my life, which I enjoy a lot. Is it about getting to know new cultures, meeting interesting people or explore the world's most fascinating places. In my portfolio you can find some impressions from my travels.

Sports fanatic? Mainly from the couch...

Ask me anything about a specific sport and I give you the answer. Ok, that might be a bit overstated, but I'm indeed a big sportsfan and cheer on athletes in soccer, tennis or skiing.

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